​Real-life manhunt adapted in 'Endless Journey' film
China.org.cn · By Zhang Rui | 2023-12-15 16:14

Filmmaker Chen Sicheng has taken a new path in his career by producing a realistic drama based on a true story. The film represents a move away from his previous mystery case-solving blockbusters such as "Detective Chinatown" and "Sheep Without a Shepherd," or this summer's hit "Lost in the Stars."

Filmmaker Chen Sicheng on stage at the premiere of "Endless Journey" in Beijing, Dec. 10, 2023. [Photo courtesy of Bravo Entertainment]

"Endless Journey," a crime film produced by Chen and directed by Dai Mo, is based on a real-life story posted online and hits Chinese cinemas on Dec. 15. The story follows a group of former police officers on their yearslong pursuit of a murder suspect, following their imprisonment for manslaughter after an interrogation goes wrong. Now acting as vigilantes, the film showcases their dedication and perseverance in uncovering the truth.

"I read the reports very early on, and I felt it was a story about a brave and lonely man. Then what really touched my heart was screenwriter Zhang Ji's script, which turned a one-man hunt into a team pursuit," Chen told China.org.cn. "I'm really interested in these kinds of stories — about individuals making choices and showing perseverance after encountering accidents in their destiny."

As he got deeper into the development of the script, Chen considered directing the film himself. However, he eventually entrusted the project to his long-time collaborator and protégé, Dai Mo, who directed the blockbuster film "Fireflies in the Sun" and the hit online series of "Detective Chinatown" for Chen's company.

Addressing the audience at the premiere in Beijing on Dec. 10, Dai highlighted his commitment to Chen's principle of "preserving authenticity and evoking emotion in the audience." More specifically, he eliminated some of the more dramatic elements so as to effectively communicate sincerity and emotion. To ensure the actors could immerse themselves deeper in their roles, the scenes were also deliberately shot in the order they appear in the film.

A poster for the IMAX version of "Endless Journey." [Image courtesy of IMAX China]

Chen revealed that the most challenging aspect of production was navigating the peak of the pandemic last year. Despite the initial plan to shoot the film across seven provinces, the team ultimately conducted principal filming in Guangdong and shot some scenes in Northeast China. However, they successfully managed to construct sets to portray scenes from all seven provinces.

As many industry insiders and fans praised him for "stepping out of his comfort zone," Chen noted that he and his company As One Production would like to explore more genres and fields in the future, the only precondition being a good story. "Realistic stories are much more difficult to find," Chen said. "They're happening all around us, but the creative process may be even more challenging than other genre films."

The original story of "Endless Journey," written by Shen Lan and published online in 2018, is more legendary than any fiction — exactly what Chen was looking for.

The film features a stellar cast, including Zhang Yi, Li Chen, Wei Chen, Cao Bingkun, Wang Xiao, Zhang Zixian and Yang Xinming. While lead actor Zhang Yi has played cops before in film and on TV, Chen said that his performance is different this time and even better than he expected.

Cast and crew of "Endless Journey" pose for a picture at the film's premiere, Beijing, Dec. 10, 2023. [Photo courtesy of Bravo Entertainment]

During filming, the actors improvised several moments, such as in one scene where they gathered to eat, drink, chat and sing. In another scene, the heartwarming moment when Wang Xiao, after having had a few drinks, goes to kiss his wife, was also captured on camera. "That's spontaneous; that's really good. It fits with the character's personality," Chen said.

"After three years of the pandemic, everyone has faced difficulties and challenges. I hope this film can comfort people, easing their anxiety and predicament, and delivering some solace, warmth and bravery," the producer added. "Accidents and difficulties are things that none of us can avoid in our lives, just like the characters in the film, but we can choose how we face these difficulties."

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